I'm deep in the start of
Sugarfoot Yarns...that
blog is over here. But life goes on. Read something briefly this morning so true, so simple and direct and right, though, that I needed to share it.
I'm against government funding of embryonic stem cell research. It is wrong, and I think it is dangerous. God didn't intend for us to meddle in our mortality like this. But P.J. O'Rourke has made a beautiful argument against it
here. He has cancer...if anyone could "justify" this, he could. But he doesn't. Read it. Obama is wrong, dangerously so, and unfortunately the "least of these" will be the ones to pay for his ignorance.
I didn't give up anything for Lent, but I tried to take on a Lenten discipline of reading a book. So for me it is
Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton. I'm only a little into it, but so far it is excellent. I'll share more later, but I'd encourage you to pick it up.