Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week in Review, August 10!

The start of school is a great time to start these posts again, I think!  Yes, my children started school last week, and preparations dominated the last ten days or so before the big day.  But I'll just take it one week at a time.

Between the trips to Old Navy and Staples, my kids managed to squeeze in some last good downtime.  Here's one of my favorites, the girls just hanging out after lunch with a good book and some ice cream.  I think they were there for about an hour on Tuesday.  Bliss.

Tuesday evening was our meet-the-teacher time for all four.  Matthew started high school this year, Jack is 8th, Paige started middle school as a 6th grader, and Darcy is in 4th.  Our school has two campuses for elementary school, and she has now switched to the main campus, so three of the four kids have big changes this year.  Two days in and it's good.

Here they are in their spit-shined obligatory first day picture:

When did they get so big?  And can I just freeze them just like this?  They have no idea how fun they are.

Jack wasn't in uniform because the 8th graders showed up at school with overnight bags packed and headed out on a team-building retreat for two days.  He says it was fun.  Paige and all the other middle schoolers joined the 8th graders for the second day of the retreat.  They thought it was a fun way to start the year.

Because of the retreat, Paige couldn't go to a horse show this weekend about an hour and a half away, but Darcy and I packed her trusty Sydney up and headed to Poplar Place Farm for a schooling show.  Our farm took six horses, so I got to pull my trailer again.  Thankfully my horse-hauling has been an uneventful activity so far!  We spent the night in Columbus on Friday with some other riders from our farm--so much fun.  I love just hanging out in the barn and at shows with the other riders and their families.  We work hard to have an encouraging atmosphere and it really pays off at show-time.

It did rain Friday are Darcy and a couple of friends while we waited to school the cross-country course.  WET!  Par for the course this summer.

Just one shot from the show--Darcy had a fun time, a clean show-jumping round and (for the first time) no time faults on her cross-country run.  She came in third, and was pleased with the effort.  That's what counts!

We high-tailed it back home to go to Matthew's football scrimmage.  Here's my #60 at linebacker, a new position for him.  Lots of learning this year as he plays with the big boys on varsity. 

One little home decorating note:  if you haven't been to Scott's Antique Market and you live anywhere within driving distance of Atlanta, you need to go!  Here is a cool chair I picked up this weekend:

Looking ahead, this week is full of more meetings, get-the-year-started types of things.  Darcy has her first violin lesson (crazy!) and Matthew has a football game on Friday.  My world for the next few months, I suppose.

Have a great week!


PJ said...

I agree. You kids have no idea how much fun they are. Glad you had a nice weekend to transition you all back into the school year.

I hear Matthew and Cara share a room - one period right after each other. From what I understand Matthew is going out as Cara is going in. I have heard it from both, so I think they each enjoy the moment to say hi to one another.

Cheryl said...

It sounds like Cara is settling in. I am so glad for her, and for LCS--she is a great addition!

Cheri said...

This is gorgeous!