Friday, February 1, 2013

Week in Review, 2/1/2013

Apparently I'm blogging again.  In looking over past posts, I really like how I documented our weeks.  I miss that.  And even though I'm not homeschooling this year, I think there's still a place for it in our family's life. 

Last weekend I was still sick, so I laid low while Matthew went to his last wrestling tournament of the year.  This was a hard season for him because he wrestled up one or two weight classes at every meet.  Saturday he had the toughest match of his (short) career.  He was up by four points with ten seconds to go, against an opponent who outweighed him by twelve pounds.  But the other boy outlasted him, getting a take down and then pinning my boy with ZERO seconds on the clock.  Bill said it was a fair call, but it was so hard to take.  Matthew cried.  The girls cried (they were there to cheer him on). Bill was awfully upset.  I cried when he called to tell me about it.  But the amazing gift this sport has given Matthew is the ability to move on, to realize there is always another match.  By late Saturday afternoon he was okay. 

Our pastor was installed on Sunday, which I blogged about here.  What a good day.

We had our usual flurry of piano lessons and riding lessons, with track practice thrown in for good measure.  Huge storms on Wednesday meant no riding for me that day. 

Bill had a trade show in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  Isn't that where everyone wants to go at the end of January?

Our house still has germs floating around:  Darcy was home sick on Tuesday and Matthew on Thursday.  Nothing permanent, apparently.

The bathroom and closet still aren't done, and we continue to live part-time out of the basement.  I am just so ready to have a bathroom again!  There really isn't anything to do but wait, because the new cabinets are in production right now. 

Darcy is working on her Greek unit at school.  Right now she and Paige are dressing their American Girls in togas. Sweet.

And I am choosing colors for the kitchen and laundry room.  The operating words for this project are "functional" and "happy."  My word for the bedroom/bath re-do was "calm," which I think I hit spot-on, so I am eager to see if my wordy approach to home decorating works. 

Coming up:  I have to unpack the entire kitchen and laundry before winter break!  Or is it pack?  The whole thing will be demolished in two weeks.  I. Can't. Wait.  And we have a trip to get ready for, meeting up with wonderful friends for some time in the snow. 

Continue with the Aeneid and Les Miserables.  I hit the fifty-page digression to Waterloo in Les Mis, and it is hard to get through!  But there must be a reason for it, so I am forging ahead.

Goals for this week:  Take more pictures!  More books, less computer time.  Try to put away some of the bedroom stuff that is out so that I can make room for kitchen stuff.


PJ said...

If nothing else ... week in review posts allow for a time to sit back, relax, and say, "Whew. Made it through another one." I do that with my Google Calendar. Every once and a while I open it up and look back over everything I've done for the last week or two. Then I realize how good it is to be able to survive the onslaught of duties, responsibilities, chores, fun times, etc.

On a side note ... piano lessons? For you or the girls? Or both? Or silly me ... the boys? :D

Would Darcy like to take one of my necklaces to school one day? I don't know what part of Greek she's using, but she could take my necklace with a Greek phrase out of the Bible and an explanation. Or, if she doesn't want a necklace I could always copy a portion of the Greek Bible (perhaps her favorite verse) and then a pronunciation as well as the English translation. Just let me know if that sounds like it would be of any value.

As for happy color ... One of my favorite Home Depot colors is called Retro Avocado. :D Happy. As for functional ... brown? Not very exciting...

Good luck with Waterloo! Enjoyed the week in review. (Believe it or not, this three minute read actually SERIOUSLY helps me in my job. I can totally be into your family's life, engage your kids, and everything from posts like this. It's one of the primary reasons I read Mary's Collage Friday. I can keep up with people so much better when they do posts like these! So thank you! :D

Cheryl said...

Thanks for visiting!

Everyone takes music lessons--guitar or mandolin or piano. Everyone except Bill, I mean.

Darcy would love that! This Greek unit is a review for her since she did Ancient Greece last year as a homeschooler. Every little extra thing is huge.